Exclusive Interview with Dwayne Forest
Today we’d like to introduce you to Dwayne Forest.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
It’s an honor to be here. I’m a Filmmaker, Visual Artist and Real Estate Investor.
When I attended St. John’s University in Jamaica Queens, NY; I took Filmmaking
and Art classes, then purchased my own equipment to make movies, documentaries, TV shows and music videos.
I started my own production company during college and through my production company, I created both a short film and a successful public access show titled “Blacks In Action TV” while I was still in college.
My show Blacks In Action TV was the first TV show to interview The Notorious BIG, Jay Z, 50 Cent, Diddy and Craig Mack before they were famous.
Jay Z hired us to shoot his press Day
We quickly became popular by playing the hottest Hip Hop, R&B & Reggae music videos and interviewing the top artists and celebs.
Some celebrities we interviewed were LL Cool J, Wyclef, The Wu-tang Clan, Changing Faces, 702, Chuck D, Michelle Thomas(Myra on the show Family Matters), Charnele Brown (A Different World), Tupac, Malik Sealy(NBA Player), AC Green, James “Buddy” McGirt(Former Boxing Champion), Gary Brown(Former Green Bay Packers Champion) and many more.
We also created the video mixtapes.
Through my industry connections, I was hired by record labels to shoot press days, music videos and epk’s for their artist.
I also shot commercials that aired on BET, MTV and VH-1.
During the Occupy Wall Street movement, I shot a music video for Doodle Bug(Formerly of Digable Planets).
The rest is history
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
The main challenge was funding for my businesses. I overcame that by selling my artwork, selling video mixtapes and other legal hustles.
Then I saved and budgeted my money to eventually fund my businesses.
Another challenge was getting distribution for my latest documentary “The Best of: BlackInActionTV.Com”.
I overcame that by recently building my own website to stream my latest documentary and future content that I create.
Another challenge was selling my art.
I overcame that by building a website and using social media to sell my artwork.
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
As I mentioned earlier, I’m a Filmmaker, Visual Artist and Real Estate Investor.
People should work with me over the competition because I think outside the box, I put my heart and soul into every project and I’m easy to work with.
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
Focus on your primary goal and don’t be afraid to think outside the box to find solutions to overcome challenges or obstacles in your way.
Always have more than one stream of income and save money for emergencies.
I suggest saving a minimum of 3 months worth of savings to cover all your expenses for 3 months.
I also suggest putting together a good team that shares your goals.
I built a team that shares my goals, which is what made Blacks In Action TV successful. I couldn’t have done it by myself.
On that note, I want to thank my team Kevin Glover, S. Renee Smith- Larry, James “Kraze” Billings, JP Cade, Sondra Santos, Mike Holliday, June Blkitalian, Sharon Forest, Terrance Cheeseboro and Wendell “Jig Da Comedian” Rochester.
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
Success is doing something you enjoy doing, being able to pay all your expenses, put food on the table, have a roof over your head, being respected by your clients and your peers.
What’s next for you?
My feature length documentary “The Best of: BlacksInActionTV.Com” has just been released on my new streaming site: http:/blacksinactiontv.com
The documentary features the very first TV interviews from, The Notorious BIG, Jay Z, 50 Cent, Diddy and Craig Mack before they were famous.
It also features interviews with actress Charnele Brown(A Different World), The Wu-tang Clan, Wyclef, Chuck D and many more of your favorite artists and celebrities.
Monty Ross, the legendary film producer of Spike Lee movies says The Best of: BlacksInActionTV.Com is “Fire”.
You can stream “The Best of: BlacksInActionTV.Com” for 1 month at the low price of $6 at: http://blacksinactiontv.com
I also have a new website that sells my paintings and drawings. My latest painting is titled “I can’t breathe”.
You can purchase my artwork at: https://dwayneforestart.com
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.
You can visit: http://blacksinactiontv.com