Exclusive Interview with Riley Davison

Dendy Media
7 min readDec 2, 2020


Today we’d like to introduce you to Riley Davison.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

Providence kept me alive; as I lay broken and bleeding on the ground, unconscious after my motorcycle accident in the middle of the night. Who was the person who found me, and notified the authorities? Who were the surgeons and nurses who operated on me those many hours, when I had lost half the amount of blood that keeps us alive… People cared for me; who saw something in me worth saving, regardless of appearances. Coaches, teachers, doctors, nurses, friends… I hope I never forget one, or forget to thank them, or at least to pay my debt to them forward. It is so incredible how just some little thing we can do for someone can pay such great dividends… Perseverance kept me in the fight, that inner voice that says ‘shut up and keep going’; you will never make another better by complaining, and it’s not helping you either. I am not alone; there are many who grow up in broken families, penniless, homeless, hungry… the fact we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world is easily lost on some from the other-side-of-the-tracks. ‘Patience’ is not a word normally associated with me; but without it, perseverance cannot finish its mission. It has to be an inner patience that won’t allow you to give up. It is not enough to have dreams; you have to have the burning desire to achieve them no matter the odds. So, truth be told, it can be a tremendous attribute

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

There is not enough room in twelve old-fashioned newspapers to tell of the challenges I have overcome. I really elaborate only when doing so helps someone going through similar circumstances. Growing up wasn’t easy; many from that generation did not know how to communicate, or deal with the situations in their lives, which easily affected children. I ran to the woods, and became a voracious reader; I learned to trap, hunt, and pretend I was either Indian or mountain man. I acted out every great military leader’s triumphs or escape; I orated every famous American speech to the amusement of squirrels and possums. My horse became my second great outlet, which had to be sold when we moved from the farm. I gave up drama to throw myself into football as a Freshman in High School, becoming Varsity Team Captain my Senior year. I was fully invested; then on my over-zealous way to an open-field tackle in the first game of the season my knee buckled, and changed the course of that season of my life. After my motorcycle accident, I went to college, but was restless; I didn’t stay to get my degree. Instead, I entered the workforce, and began learning various skills and trades; but always with that entrepreneurial spirit to go my own way. Little did I know the failures I would face in trying to find myself and my true vocation were preparing me for this time when I could be of such service to others.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

Over the course of the years I have done many things; finally honing in as an active Texas Real Estate Broker, and that is where I began as a trainer through the Texas Real Estate Commission. I found I loved being a trainer, and continued doing so, freelancing for FEMA and earning several certifications; becoming a Master Instructor for the Community Emergency Response Team. That is when I took the training that really blew me away, becoming an Advanced Public Information Officer. The APIO teaches you to facilitate the various forms of messaging and media. Now, I knew how to do what I wanted to do… I just didn’t know who to help yet! I just knew I wanted to give back to the community that had given so much to me, and in a big way. So, serving as the Vice-President of Public Relations for USAA Toastmasters Club 181, I discovered the term BRAVO ZULU; which originated as a U.S. Naval term for “a job well-done”. I auditioned through Salem Media for my own radio program, and began on 930AM The ANSWER on October 27, 2019! Now, I have the amazing opportunity to tell the stories of true American heroes; people who tirelessly dedicate themselves to serving our communities, to help people and keep our society from falling apart at the seams. These are non-profits, volunteers and citizens who refuse to settle on a life dictated by monetary values, and instead focus on improving the lives of our fellow-man.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

I wasn’t focused when I started college, and that is when the Universe spoke to me with lightning; striking me down in the motorcycle accident. I broke my jaw and thumb; losing 4 inches of my left tibia, dislocating my fibula and crushing my ankle. The details surrounding the accident are a story in themselves; yet, if there was another involved in that accident, I feel empathy towards them, because it allowed me to see things I never had before. Eventually, that is. The fact I had been an athlete helped me recover, but it was termed a ‘long-term orthopedic injury’, with facets I still deal with today. I was told I would never run, and probably never walk; but, if I don’t show my injury you will not know it is there, and I will give you a run for-your-money! So, stay focused! Nothing is impossible, and that is the beginning of the understanding anyone needs to become truly successful. Then, education is key; I am also a licensed Insurance Agent and Adjuster, and Certified Fraud Examiner, and refuse to stop there. Always keep learning, while you do what you have to in order to survive. Find something that will pay the bills; never let go of a job until you have another. Find a good company and stick with them; work your way up-the-ladder while you earn certifications, licenses and diplomas to jump off that ladder and onto the next. Love to work, and love what you do.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me means leaving a legacy, pure and simple. The Boy Scout Rule used to be- ‘leave things better than you found them’. Everyone needs to feel that way about us, as individuals; our families, schools, companies, cities, states and nations need to be better off just because we happened to pass through. The more time we spend, the greater our impact can be. Help others rise. Smile through pain; don’t try to numb it. Pain means you are still alive, and hope remains as long as you breathe. I have a passion for training, to show others how to accomplish greatness, through speaking and doing; and I am nowhere near being finished, as Providence allows. I am only half-way through the preface of the dreams I had as a boy, growing up on the farm, the oldest son in a military family. All these experiences made me who I am, and give me the right to speak on behalf of the disenfranchised, and the ability to help do the greatest good for the greatest number. I seek to do fantastic things for the people of San Antonio, Texas; and beyond. My goal is a national audience, and I need help to accomplish it. Even now I am buying new equipment to be able to expand the broadcast of the program, so that there is no hero that BRAVO ZULU RADIO can’t reach, no story we can’t bring you, no service we fail to provide to those in need.

What’s next for you?

Wow! I have begun a movie to benefit the non-profits in the San Antonio area, which will be an awesome production. I am seeking to expand to other radio stations with BRAVO ZULU RADIO, as well as expand the reach of the program to a national audience. I have new equipment on the way that will allow me to record broadcast-quality calls from my home-office, which will provide access to many movers and shakers that would have been off-limits; providing the content for expanded audiences. I am conducting speaking classes, recording an online sales course and coaching clients. I am also taking courses through the San Antonio College Radio-Television-Broadcasting Department to increase my skills. (Don’t tell my boss, but I am looking to jump off the Insurance Adjusting corporate ladder to do media broadcasting full-time!) I also have important obligations to my family that must be maintained. My wife deserves my attention, and help with our children still at home; and I have over-arching responsibilities of service. I also have to remind myself to relax! The main thing is to establish the right goals, to lay out the right plan to achieve them, and to work hard at them every day; then recalibrate at the end of each day to determine if changes need to be made. Of course, every day has new challenges that come out of nowhere; that you have to fit into the mix. Then there is the question, “How may I be of service to you?”

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

(210) 908–8338
Saturdays 10pm @ 930AM The ANSWER Radio Station (San Antonio TX)
Web: https://bravozuluradio.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BravoZuluRadio
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/rileydavison
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bravozuluradio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bravo_zulu_radio
Podcast: https://930amtheanswer.com/radioshow/7997
PodBean: http://bravozuluradio.podbean.com/



Dendy Media
Dendy Media

Written by Dendy Media

Dendy Media is a PR agency in Dallas, TX representing celebrities, influencers and entrepreneurs from around the world.

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