Exclusive Interview with Sharonda M. Brown, RN, BSN, CLNC

Dendy Media
6 min readNov 4, 2020


Today we’d like to introduce you to Sharonda M. Brown, RN, BSN, CLNC.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I’m a result-driven Registered Nurse with over 16 Years of Nursing experience. I have a proven track record of leadership within the Department of Critical Care, Emergency Nursing, and Trauma Nursing that is remarkable, evident by drastic improvements in patient flow processes, clinical protocols, and hospital throughput initiatives. Notable accomplishments include the development and implementation of patient flow processes decreasing the time it takes for a patient to be seen by an ER Doctor, by 50% or more, in multiple Emergency Departments throughout the U.S., the preparation and organization for Emergency Medical Care and coordination of patients from the Coachella Music Festivals, and leading the JFK Memorial Hospital in Indio, California, to Chest Pain Center Accreditation exemplifying excellence in cardiac care. I have also led AMC South of Atlanta, GA, to their Primary Stroke Accreditation ensuring the highest quality of care in stroke patients and oversaw the successful preparation and organization of the Pope’s arrival to our Nation’s Capital in Washington, DC, while serving as the Director of Nursing for Emergency and Trauma Services at Howard University Hospital. In addition to these things, I have completed an International Health Care Mission in Accra, Ghana (Africa) serving a maximum-security prison and providing health care to over 1000 people in uncharted territories of multiple remote villages. Hard work, sacrifices, and dedication to my purpose, despite life challenges, got me to where I am today. No excuses and just getting it done is my motto.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

I was raised in the “hood” and initially had challenges transitioning from “Shon from the Woodlawn” to a nursing professional. My communication style was different from others and my passion was ALWAYS perceived as aggression or a threat. I had to partner with others who were not like me to understand this perceived threat. I also faced discriminatory challenges. Four days before graduating from college, I was notified that I wouldn’t be graduating due to a Nursing Theory paper that was submitted earlier in the semester and had never received a grade or feedback until 4 days before graduation. Knowing the University had a history of failing black students without explanation, I refused to be a victim and visited the Dean’s office to express concern. The Dean scheduled a hearing for the next morning where I received a “B” on the paper and graduated on time. Another challenge faced was on my first nursing assignment after graduating from nursing school. I began to work in the Emergency Department as a Registered Nurse in Chattanooga, Tennessee and they placed me into patient care without proper orientation and nursing team support. I couldn’t help but think that the lack of support was related to me being black since the doctors and nurses continued to confuse me with the family members of black patients and or housekeeping. So, I had to relocate to Atlanta to be trained properly in the Emergency and Critical Care area and to be respected as a Registered Nurse.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I am the founder and CEO of Ex Consultants, LLC., full-service clinical staffing, and consulting agency and designated Certified Business Enterprise located in Washington, DC. We provide clinical staffing and business solutions to health care systems throughout the U.S. We specialize in the placement of Emergency and Critical Care Nurses while our consultants specialize in Emergency Operations, Hospital Accreditations, and Covid-19 Process Improvement Protocols. My experience afforded me the opportunity to work with multidisciplinary teams and serve multicultural communities. Because of this, I understand policies and procedures universal to all hospitals. I have extensive knowledge and experience in developing clinical protocols, establishing operational efficiencies, and meeting regulatory requirements while adhering to budgetary restraints. I have a proven record and recognition of such including recognition from the President of UHS Health System via award and the President of Howard University via press release and recognition of excellence from Riverside County and Palm Beach County Emergency Medical Services. I’ve also been featured in a 3-part series of the medical journal MD Magazine. Clients should work with me because I have in-depth knowledge of financials as it relates to patient flow, documentation, nurse staffing, and supply management. Understanding the regulatory and financial complexities along with our ability to apply strategic and analytical principles to good quality patient care sets us apart from the competition.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Success comes from within yourself through motivation and having a positive “can do” attitude. Self-reflecting was key to my success and modifying behaviors were critical to my transition from the “hood” into the professional world. It’s critical to note that while you modify learned behaviors that may not be accepted in the professional world, you do not change who you are in the process. It’s a balancing act and must be checked regularly. Stay honest, be transparent, and, most of all, be true to who you are and to yourself. You’ve also got to “go to grow,” meaning leaving your comfort zone, accepting change, listening to opposing views while keeping an open mind, staying up to date on technology, and establishing specific, measurable, actionable, and time-oriented goals, and execute effectively. Don’t accept the status quo, and don’t take “no” for an answer. The answer is always yes; it’s just a question of how to get to the yes. Dream big and remember teamwork makes the dream work. You can’t do it alone! Practice communication, communication, and communication. Finally, always make an effort to go to bed smarter than you were the day before. Read one authoritative article in a variety of subjects per day.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success means satisfaction within oneself, whatever that may be to each individual.

What’s next for you?

We are advancing our agency into a “Legal Nurse Consulting Firm” as I recently became a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant (CLNC) and gained access to a multitude of CLNCs and Clinical Nurse Experts. Our knowledge and experience both clinically and administratively will allow us to develop cases quickly and cost-effectively. It’s now time to take all the knowledge gained on this journey back to my communities. While continuing to lead the team at EX Consultants, LLC, I will dedicate my time to “SistaRN & Friends Inc.” a nonprofit organization located in Atlanta, Georgia serving our most vulnerable, underserved, and under-resourced communities. We are in the process of developing “Health Literacy Programs” tailored made to meet basic health literacy needs. Our mission is to simply “Improve quality of life and eliminate preventable deaths in under-resourced areas”. Communicating actionable and sustainable solutions in a way that people understand is essential to achieving our goals. Our team understands the community’s culture in which we serve, and we have personal insight on how social factors impacting our community’s health. This allows us to build trust and empower them to take actionable steps toward quality health. Culturally competent interventions and communication are critical to delivering health information effectively as the interpretation of the information could be the difference between life and death. We hope the knowledge obtained from our programs will adjust behaviors that contribute directly to poor health outcomes. We take pride in “Providing Statistical Essentials with Street Credentials!”

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

For all Hospital Administrators and Attornies needing qualified clinical professionals, please book a free consultation online at https://www.exconsultantsllc.com/services. If you’re looking for a new adventure and wanting to become a Travel Nurse or you’re looking for a Travel Nurse assignment, please apply or request more information with EX Consultants, LLC. at https://www.exconsultantsllc.com/join-our-team. If you’re interested in the work featured in the MD Magazine interview please visit the following interviews here, here, or here.

Finally, If you’re looking to contribute and or participate with our non-profit organization, please donate to SistaRN & Friends Inc by clicking here or by visiting us at www.sistarnandfriends.com. We look forward to partnering with you all.



Dendy Media

Dendy Media is a PR agency in Dallas, TX representing celebrities, influencers and entrepreneurs from around the world.